Reject the Dichotomy of Headless vs Traditional: Embrace Optionality

Friday, June 30, 2023 | CMS Commerce Strategy

Surjit Bharath

Director of Hidden Foundry

Optimizely Most Valued Professional (OMVP), Subject Matter Expert (SME), CMS and Commerce certified

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The Ongoing Debate: Headless vs Traditional

In recent years, the headless approach to content management systems (CMS) has seen a rapid rise in popularity. Traditionally, most web solutions have been monolithic, functioning as self-contained systems. However, in an era where businesses must cater to an ever-expanding array of channels, finding a simple, cost-effective solution is paramount. Herein lies the appeal of a headless CMS: it enables central management of domain data while facilitating content presentation across various channels such as desktop, mobile, tablet, and native devices.

As this architectural approach gains traction, traditional (aka coupled or monolithic) systems are sometimes viewed as too restrictive for certain businesses' evolving needs. To stay ahead of this shift, Optimizely has been progressively enhancing their headless offerings. Let's explore these in greater detail.

While there are advantages and disadvantages to choosing either the Headless or Traditional approach for architecting your solution, the decision ultimately depends on your specific business model. Numerous articles are available to provide insights into the pros and cons of each approach. However, here we have an alternative perspective on the debate. Read on.


Optimizely's Wide-Ranging Offerings

Optimizely caters to diverse methodologies with its comprehensive product suite. It upholds its commitment to the traditional approach by upgrading to ASP.NET Core while simultaneously providing a range of headless offerings straight out of the box:

Content Delivery API: Enables the CMS to function in a headless mode, querying data as JSON. Single-page Applications often use this API with front-end frameworks such as React or Vue.

Content Definitions API: Manages definitions like content types, properties, and data types remotely, obviating the need for the Optimizely admin interface.

Content Management API: Offers the ability to create, update, or delete content, proving useful for integrating external content into your Optimizely solution.

Content Delivery Commerce API: Supports all related Customized Commerce features, including cart and order creation.

Service API: Primarily aimed at integration support for ERPs, this API facilitates importing catalogue information such as products, inventory, and pricing.


Embracing Optionality: Why Choose When You Can Have Both?

At Hidden Foundry, we confront the headless vs traditional CMS debate with our view as: why not both? We advocate for optionality, firmly asserting that a solution incorporating the best of both worlds is not only possible but beneficial.

We recognize that every business is unique and each solution demands a customized approach. Leveraging Optimizely's broad product range, Hidden Foundry meticulously crafts solutions tailored to your specific business model, regardless of its nature or complexity.

By giving you the freedom to choose, or even blend approaches, we empower your business to traverse the dynamic landscape of digital content management with the necessary flexibility and adaptability. This becomes possible through Optimizely's comprehensive offerings, which span both headless and traditional solutions, thereby facilitating unprecedented versatility.


Content Graph: Optimizely's Latest Headless Product

Content Graph, based on GraphQL, is designed to solve many of the issues plaguing solutions using REST APIs, such as multi-round trips for domain objects and over-fetching. The adoption of GraphQL by the developer community has been spurred by its potential to increase productivity and reduce development time. Looking forward, we recommend Content Graph for headless solutions. It not only reduces development time but also enables frontend and backend teams to work more independently—historically, frontend teams often relied on backend teams to extend or create new REST API endpoints.


Take The Next Step With Hidden Foundry

Still curious about how this could apply to your current solution or have more questions? We're here to help. We believe in initiating a conversation, understanding your unique needs, and crafting a solution that aligns perfectly with your business model. Whether your interest lies in headless systems, traditional methodologies, or a blend of the two, we hold the expertise to provide the guidance you need.

Don't hesitate to reach out to us for a no-obligation discussion. Your journey towards a more flexible and adaptive digital content management system could start with a simple conversation. We're eager to answer your burning questions and provide tailored insights into your specific situation. Contact us today and discover how Hidden Foundry can help you navigate the dynamic world of CMS.

