Brick-and-Mortar Stores Can Thrive with E-commerce
In a world where online shopping is king, traditional stores are finding new ways to collaborate, bl
Building Efficient Online Solutions for Retail & Service Businesses
we specialize in creating practical, tailored digital solutions for retail and service businesses. Whether it’s setting up an e-commerce platform or improving customer engagement, we focus on delivering exactly what your business needs—efficiently and cost-effectively.
Our approach is simple: we listen to your requirements, avoid unnecessary features, and build solutions that work for your business. From improving customer experiences to streamlining operations, Hidden Foundry is here to help you achieve your online goals.
Our services revolve around Optimizely development. We have served many clients over the years for both Cms and Customized Commerce.
We outline how Hidden Foundry worked with Navico Group to redevelop their single branded instance to a scalable multi-site solution.
Navico Case StudyHidden Foundry has proficiently assisted with First Mile's transition to Optimizely Content Cloud and Digital Experience Platform, providing them with advanced tools for enhanced content management and personalised customer experiences.
FirstMile Case StudyIn a world where online shopping is king, traditional stores are finding new ways to collaborate, bl
Overcomplicated requirements are slowing you down. Here’s how trimming the excess can help you launc
I discuss our experiences not validating business features early which result in delayed projects
Taking the time to educate and refine user stories has proven crucial in maximizing efficiency
The virtues of finding flaws before they find your customers.
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
Best practice of managing your Optimizely nuget packages
Demystify Image Resizing on the edge for your Optimizely solution
We argue that your Optimizely solution is not monolithic, it's already hybrid!
Understand the common psychological trap of being influenced by past expenditures.
Implementing Open ID Connect to Secure Optimizely Graph Access for Authorized Users
Learn to integrate external data into Optimizely Graph for improved performance, covering data prepa
Current working on the ODP
Benefits and Limitations of Graph over Search & Navigation
Critical parts of an upgrade can help you understand the different stages of an upgrade. Let's discu
Optimizely Customers now have a choice between using CMS on either PaaS or SaaS
SaaS Core is Optimizely's latest CMS offering as part of its composable architecture
Artificial Intelligence driven search by Optimizely with GraphQL
Explore the adaptability and advanced features of Optimizely Customized Commerce, highlighting its s
Explore headless options in Optimizely. Learn about different architectures and their advantages.
Clients we've worked with over the past decade